Badgers Curriculum letter
Welcome to the new academic year. Mrs Simpson and I are very much looking forward to being the Class 4 team this year and feel very privileged to teach this group of children again. Having already spent the afternoon with the children at the end of last term, I know this year is going to be fabulous and we will no doubt be the best class at Friskney!
Please find below an overview of learning this term. If you have any questions regarding this or any other aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This term in English we will be using the book Clockwork to help us create our own portal tale. We will continue to use the Talk for Writing approach within our writing. In reading, we will be using the text Nura and the Immortal Palace as our class text alongside looking at extracts of poetry and non-fiction.
In Maths, we will look at Number and place value, mental methods, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division
Religious Education
In RE, we will be discussing what does it mean if God is loving and holy? We will look at what Christians understand by this and how it may help them make choices in their daily lives.
In science this term, we will investigate electricity, the children will learn how to build working circuits, how to make bulbs burn brighter and how to draw circuits using the correct scientific images.
PE will be on Tuesday (OOA ) and Friday (Football). Please ensure children have the correct P.E uniform, all earrings are removed and hair is tied back on P.E days.
Geography this term will be looking at nature’s energy. The children will renewable energy and fossil fuels, they will look why we need energy, what renewable energy is, how we create energy in the U.K, what is the best energy source to use and solar power.
We will also cover subjects to help develop creativity and emotions- PSHE will be looking at being me, music-Fresh Prince of Bell Air. In computing we will be Web designers, French will be looking at colours, animals and questions and Art will be learning about Henry Moore.
Kind regards
Mrs Grooby and Mrs Simpson