Badgers (Y5 and Y6)


Badgers Curriculum letter


Welcome back and Happy New Year, we hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday. Mrs Simpson and I would like to say a huge thank you for all the lovely cards and presents we received. We were very spoilt.

Please find below an overview of learning this term. If you have any questions regarding this or any other aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact us.



This term in English we will be writing wishing tales using talk for writing. In reading lessons, we will look at the text Stay Where You Are and Then Leave.



In Maths, we will look at number and place value, fractions, ratio, addition, subtraction, statistics and multiplication.


Religious Education

In RE, we will be looking at the creation story and its relationship to science.




In science this term, we will be looking at Evolution and inheritance. We will look at how animals and plants have adapted/ evolved over time. We will also look at inheritance as part of our Farm school lessons.



PE will be on Tuesday ( table tennis ) and Friday (Dance). Please ensure children have the correct P.E uniform, all earrings are removed and hair is tied back on P.E days.



Geography this term will be looking at Biomes and vegetation. The children will learn about Biomes as areas of the planet with a similar climate and landscape, where similar animals and plants live. These include rainforest, desert, savannah, grassland, woodlands and tundra. Vegetation belts that are home to certain plant species are studied.


We will also cover subjects to help develop creativity and emotions- PSHE will be looking at dreams and goals, music- music festival. In computing we will be programming, French will be looking at Animals and their habitats, masculine and feminine nouns, and Art will be looking at Bridget Riley

Sculpture and collage.


Kind regards


Mrs Grooby and Mrs Simpson