Foxes (Y3 and Y4)

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Fantastic Foxes Curriculum letter


Another new year and so much to look forward to.  Your teaching team this year is me (Miss Ross) and Miss Price. 

I’m looking forward to working with the parents and children of Year 3 and Year 4 this academic year and look forward to meeting parents at our parent pop in later this month.  We also hope to see you at our Macmillan coffee afternoon where Foxes class will have baked, iced and decorated some lovely cakes for you all.  Check out the newsletter for the dates.



In English this term we will be writing a narrative.  We will be using our ‘talk for writing’ approach to embed the structure of a narrative and use actions, art and role play to fully understand the meaning and purpose of the words before attempting to write our own story. 

Our reading book this term is ‘The Abominables’ which will take us on a journey from the Himalayan mountains to a country home in England. 


In Maths, we are focussing on place value to begin with and then moving to addition and subtraction of larger numbers.  We will be looking at the meaning of the times symbol and how multiplication links to repeated addition.  Children will be given a TT Rockstars login for them to practice their times tables at home.


Religious Education

In RE, we are studying how people celebrate.  We begin by looking at important celebrations in the lives of the children in the class before moving on to Christian and Hindu celebrations.  We will consider the importance of celebration and how celebration links to remembrance.



In science, we will study sound.  How the human ear receives sound, how sound is linked to vibrations and what sound waves look like.  We have lots of practical lessons to help us understand sound. 


Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday, children require a water bottle and PE kit on these days. Please check the uniform policy to clarify uniform expectations.  We will be enjoying outdoor adventure activities and hockey.


Our Geography topic is the UK and beyond.  We will learn about counties and our neighbouring counties, what a county town is, what a major city is and where the capital cities are across Europe. 


In French we will learn some male nouns and how to put these into sentences.  We will learn to count to 10 and look at spelling of words and where sounds are different from English. 



We will begin our term with a study of Pablo Picasso and cubism.  We will experiment with different materials and different shapes before completing our own portrait in the style of Picasso.  I will post photos on Dojo of our completed masterpieces.