Amazing Adventures!
Welcome back everyone!
Our weekly timetable will consist of lots of fun and purposeful activities that will take place indoors and in our outdoor environment. Learning opportunities will be planned around our seven areas of learning and development according to the EYFS curriculum and will involve adult let and child-initiated activities.
Phonics |
(Reception) We will continue to do daily phonics using our school scheme Read Write Inc and will continue to work in our reading progress groups. (Pre-school) Children will begin to listen out for different sounds in the environment and begin to practise oral blending and segmenting sounds. READING BOOKS: All children will continue to bring home a sharing book. Please continue to make a comment in their yellow reading records. Reception children will continue to bring home a sound blending/story book to practise at home please practise at least 3 times a week to improve their reading fluency. |
Literacy (Talk for Writing) |
All children will join in with our daily literacy session. Our talk for writing text for this term is ‘The Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud.’ |
Maths |
Daily opportunities will be planned through continuous provision and daily routines for all children. (Reception) We will continue to deepen our understanding of numbers to 10 including the composition of each number and use subitising (recognise quantities without counting) while also exploring shape, space and measure. |
Understanding the World
Our topic this term is Polar Regions and we will explore lots of amazing adventures through storytelling, investigations and through all the different areas of provisions both indoor and outdoor. We will continue to explore seasonal changes and look at contrasting environments between the polar regions and their habitats in comparison to the UK.
RE |
Special Books - Exploring the importance of special books in different cultures and religions. Chinese New Year celebrations. |
Music |
My Stories (Charanga music scheme)
PSHE – Jigsaw |
Dreams and Goals – 2025 - |
PE |
We will do lots of physical development throughout each day, but on a Thursday we will have a PE session so please can the children come to school in their PE kits every Thursday. |
We will continue to share our learning journey of each week on Tapestry so please look out each week to see what your child has been learning about. Also, please share any photos from home that your child can share with the rest of the class. We look forward to seeing them!
Kind regards,
Mrs Gains and Mrs Pinner.
Curriculum Letter
I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas and are ready for all our exciting topics in 2025!
This is an overview of our learning topics for this term.
English |
PHONICS: YEAR 1 will continue to access daily phonics sessions in their progress groups to ensure they are ready for their end of year Phonics Screening Check. ‘Talk for Writing’ – Jack and the Beanstalk – Defeating a monster tale. Reading Books will be changed every Friday so your child can practise their reading fluency of the story throughout the week. In addition to this, your child will bring home a library book that you can share together. Please comment in your child’s yellow reading record when your child has read. |
Maths |
Children will explore mathematical concepts associated with the following topics:-
Science |
We will be learning about ‘Animals, including Humans’ and observing seasonal changes.
Geography |
This term we will be learning about the North and South Poles. Children learn the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles. |
RE |
This term, we will learn about Thankfulness in different religions. |
PSHE (Jigsaw) |
The topic for this term is ‘Dreams and Goals.’ |
The children will learn about the artist William Morris and explore his work. The children will continue to develop their knowledge of materials for collage and learn the skills of cutting, folding and crumpling. |
Computing |
Digital Writing Using a computer to create and format text, before comparing to writing non-digitally. |
Music |
Hands, Feet and Heart! This unit is based around South African music and freedom songs. |
PE |
Our PE sessions will take place on Thursday and Friday. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kits on these days. |
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Gains