Hedgehogs (Nursery)


EYFS Autumn Term Curriculum Letter

All About Me!

Welcome back everyone!

Our weekly timetable will consist of lots of fun and purposeful activities that will take place indoors and in our outdoor environment. Learning opportunities will be planned around our seven areas of learning and development according to the EYFS curriculum and will involve adult let and child-initiated activities.


(Reception) Daily phonics using our school scheme Read Write Inc. Fred Frog will help support us to read single sounds. During this term children will learn a new sound every day. Links to videos of these sounds will be shared on Tapestry.

(Pre-school) Children will begin to listen out for different sounds in the environment. 

READING BOOKS: All children will continue to bring home a sharing book. Please continue to make a comment in their yellow reading records.

As Reception children begin to learn their single sounds, then a sound blending book will start to come home as well.


(Talk for Writing)

All children will join in with our daily literacy session and this term our story focus will be The Enormous Turnip.


Daily opportunities will be planned through continuous provision and daily routines for all children.


Our main focus will be counting and identifying number patterns to 10. Then we will begin to compare quantities exploring more/fewer without counting.

Understanding the World


Our topic this term is ‘All About Me’ which includes my body, my family and people in our community. We will talk about how we are similar and different to each other. Compare pictures from now to when they were babies and look at different job roles in our community. If possible, please could your child bring in a baby photo and some family photos, alternatively they can be uploaded onto Tapestry that we can print off for a classroom display.


My Friends



PSHE – Jigsaw

Being Me in my World


We will do lots of physical development throughout each day, but on a Thursday we will have a PE session so please can the children come to school in their PE kits every Thursday.

We will continue to share our learning journey of each week on Tapestry so please look out each week to see what your child has been learning about. Also, please share any photos from home that your child can share with the rest of the class. We look forward to seeing them!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries and thank you once again for all your continued support.

Kind regards,

Mrs Gains and Mrs Pinner.