Our Church School

We are extremely proud of our Church of England history and traditions and work closely alongside Friskney All Saints Church. Reverend Andrew regularly leads our collective worship in school and classes regularly attend the Church. Classes take part in the monthly service alongside the local community and the Church is the setting for our end of term services with families.

Our links to the Church are explicit in our school mission statement:

Our small rural school welcomes and includes everyone as a child of God. We recognise that every person has value and deserves the best we can give. Our education explores old and new horizons, and strives to deliver a rigorous curriculum of excellence so that each person is empowered to realise their gifts to the full. We offer challenge, support and loving commitment so that each person can engage in the world with resilience, hope and wisdom. We have faith in God and faith in each other.

Our school tagline 'Trust Shows the Way' is taken from Hildegard of Bingen, who overcame deprivation and vulnerability to make a difference in the world.

This is also reflected in Psalm 143.8 'Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.'

If you would like to find out more about Friskney All Saints Church, please click here

Church School Inspection

As a church school, we receive a SIAMS inspection regularly. For more information about our Church school grading and our most recent SIAMS report please click here: Friskney School SIAMS information

Collective Worship

Collective Worship is central to everything that we do within our school and is always at the heart of helping us to make the right choices and decisions, in considering how Jesus lived and the choices that Jesus would have made.

Each day the whole school gathers together for worship and we encourage everyone to take an active part. As a Church of England School we base our worship on Christian teachings, values and traditions of the Christian Church. However, we conduct our collective worship in a manner that is sensitive to the individual faith and beliefs of all members of the school community. Collective worship plays a very important part in promoting the Christian ethos of the school, encouraging the children to have high levels of spiritual and moral reflection and to ensure that all children are valued, and their achievements are recognised.

Collective worship is used to encourage the children to:

  • Reflect on their achievements, learning and their own life
  • Acknowledge and reward achievements both in and out of school
  • Consider broader aspects of living within a local and global Christian community, to recognise key events and stories from Christianity and the Church calendar.
  • Reflect on current experiences and themes that influence and impact on the children’s lives

Through our organisation of Collective Worship, we:

  • Conduct our worship in a sensitive, dignified and respectful way
  • Show the children that this time is a period of calm reflection
  • Regard this time as a special time and expect children to behave in an appropriate way
  • Ask everyone to be quiet, be thoughtful and to listen carefully
  • Encourage the children to contribute their ideas and thoughts (Collective Worship Council)
  • Create an atmosphere by using music, lighting candles or using objects that act as a focal point for the attention of the children. The cross is our main focus, and we light candles to show that Jesus is the light of the world.

A Weekly Overview of our Collective Worship:

Mondays – Whole School Collective Worship
Tuesdays – Key Stage Worship
Wednesdays – Whole School Collective Worship
Thursdays – Whole School Choral Worship
Fridays – Celebration Worship